We at Turie T. Small will work to create a motivational and meaningful environment to all. We believe every child will learn and reach his or her full potential. Our students take pride in themselves, take responsibility for their actions and develop an attitude that education is vital. They will apply these attributes to setting goals for the future in order to be successful contributors in our democratic society. We are building today for a better tomorrow. We are doing it all at Turie T. Small.
I did my volunteer hours at Turie T. Small. With my major, English education, it only makes sense that I experience working at a school. For the short time that I volunteered there, I was faced with quite a few learning experiences. For example, the students had to get in groups to read together. Everyone took turns reading a page out of the book but when we got to the student I was tutoring, he read too quiet for anyone to hear. One of the teachers informed me that he was not a very good reader, which I knew was not true because I had just helped him with his homework and he read exceptionally well. While everyone else continued reading I convinced him that he was a good reader and that he should read. So, when he gave it a try, he surprised a lot of the other students that thought that he simply could not read. After that day, he began to open up to his peers and make friends.
I knew what to do in the situations I faced at Turie T. because I had had prior experience with young children from helping out at my mom’s home daycare. I believe that every child has the capacity to learn, some just require additional attention or effort. Of course there were those students who were problematic. Some students, mostly the older ones, had made up their minds already that they would not do their homework. Dealing with these students took an extreme amount of patience. I knew that they did not want to do their homework but knew that they would have to. When dealing with these types of students I made sure I was firm but understanding. Once I related to them, we were no longer enemies and were able to tough it through their homework.
There were also students that were born leaders. One of them, Destiny, was always the one who volunteered to read first, pass out folders, or anything else she could do to help. Another student that is bound to succeed is Benny. Saying that he is smart is an immense understatement. Anytime I was paired with him for tutoring, I knew my job would be easy. Then there was Moniqua, she was always in the know about the happenings at Turie T. Small. Sometimes the teachers would ask her if they were unsure about it themselves. Her only downfall is her talkativeness which I think she’ll be able to control later on.
The experiences I had volunteering at Turie T. Small Elementary School will stay with me forever. As volunteers, it was our job to help teach the children but in actuality, we were the ones being taught. Volunteering at Turie T. was definitely a positive experience for me and I wouldn’t mind doing it again for my next volunteer hours.
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